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ObjectQL is an object-oriented, cross-database query syntax. Functions written in ObjectQL syntax are compatible with different types of databases.

When developing plugins, the core package @steedos/objectql can be directly called to operate the database.

Adding Data

Supports adding single data and bulk data, with the prefix direct indicating that the related operation is executed directly without triggering triggers.


Adds a single record. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeInsert, afterInsert. For adding special records like "tasks", notifications are sent to specified individuals.

  • Usage: insert(doc, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • doc: Dictionary<any> The data you want to insert.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Data after successful insertion.
const { spaceId, userId } = this
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
var now = new Date();
const doc = {
name: 'Xiao Mei',
space: spaceId,
owner: userId,
created_by: userId,
modified_by: userId,
created: now,
modified: now
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).insert(doc);
result==> {
_id: '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS',
name: 'Xiao Mei',
space: 'M6x6ddKvpj9ddcYYm',
owner: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
modified_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created: 2021-10-27T08:14:47.158Z,
modified: 2021-10-27T08:14:47.158Z

If doc includes a custom _id, it is used; otherwise, an _id is generated automatically.

Built-in tool function to generate ID: objectql.getObject(objectApiName)._makeNewID()

In trigger functions, spaceId, userId values can be obtained through this.

Basic PropertyMeaningRequired
nameRecord nameyes
spaceCurrent workspace IDyes
ownerRecord owneryes
createdCreation timeno (automatically maintained)
modifiedModification timeno (automatically maintained)


Adds a single record. Does not trigger the related trigger functions.

  • Usage: directInsert(doc, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • doc: Dictionary<any> The data you want to insert.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Data after successful insertion.
const { spaceId, userId } = this
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
var now = new Date();
const doc = {
name: 'Da Ge',
space: spaceId,
owner: userId,
created_by: userId,
modified_by: userId,
created: now,
modified: now
await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directInsert(doc);

Modifying Data

Supports modifying single data and bulk data, with the prefix direct indicating that the related operation is executed directly without triggering triggers.


Updates a single record. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeUpdate, afterUpdate. For updating special records like "tasks", notifications are sent to specified individuals.

  • Usage: update(id, doc, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • id: number | string The ID of the data you want to change.
    • doc: Dictionary<any> The data you want to update.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Data after successful update.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const id = '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS';
const doc = {
name: "San Mei",
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).update(id, doc);
console.log('result==>', result)
result==> {
_id: '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS',
name: 'San Mei',
space: 'M6x6ddKvpj9ddcYYm',
owner: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
modified_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created: 2021-10-27T08:14:47.158Z,
modified: 2021-10-27T08:50:40.918Z


Updates a single record. Does not trigger the related trigger functions.

  • Usage: directUpdate(id, doc, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • id: number | string The ID of the data you want to change.
    • doc: Dictionary<any> The data you want to update.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Data after successful update.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const id = '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS';
const doc = {
name: "San Mei-Wan Er",
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directUpdate(id,doc);
result==> {
_id: '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS',
name: 'San Mei-Wan Er',
space: 'M6x6ddKvpj9ddcYYm',
owner: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
modified_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39',
created: 2021-10-27T08:14:47.158Z,
modified: 2021-10-27T08:50:40.918Z

Deleting Data

Supports deleting single data and bulk data, with the prefix direct indicating that the related operation is executed directly without triggering triggers.


Deletes a single record. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeDelete, afterDelete.

  • Usage: delete(id, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • id: number | string The ID of the data you want to delete.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Success: 1, Failure: throws an error message.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const id = '84SFjtKFfonskA6CS';
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).delete(id);
// result==> 1


Deletes a single record. Does not trigger the related trigger functions.

  • Usage: directDelete(id, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • id: number | string The ID of the data you want to delete.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Success: 1, Failure: throws an error message.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const id = '9y3QTHCGKwhkTTibg';
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directDelete(id);
// result==> 1

Finding Data

Provides five methods for finding data and one method for viewing object configuration details


Finds multiple records. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeFind, afterFind.

  • Usage: find(query, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].


Finds multiple records. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeFind, afterFind.

  • Usage: find(query, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].
      • fields: Array of field names, optional. For example: ['field1', 'field2']
      • filters: SteedosQueryFilters array of query conditions, optional
      • sort: string sorting rule, optional
      • top: number of records to return, optional
      • skip: number of records to skip, often used for pagination, optional.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Array of records. Returns an empty array [] if no records are found.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const query = {
fields: ['name', 'created_by','created'],
filters: [['name','contains','Leader']],
sort: 'name desc'
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).find(query);
result==> [
_id: '2iS93Hv8QNcxfMief',
name: 'Leader Li',
created: 2021-08-25T06:25:37.183Z,
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39'
_id: 'zCETjWE6thjWqeyek',
name: 'Leader Zhang',
created: 2021-10-27T06:50:16.866Z,
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39'


Finds a single record. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: afterFindOne, beforeFind.

  • Usage: findOne(id, query, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • id: number | string The ID of the record you want to find.
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].
      • fields: Array of field names, optional. For example: ['field1', 'field2']
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Single record [json].
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const id = 'ihJqoP3n4mwSDwGxw';
const query = {
fields: ['name', 'created_by','created'],
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).findOne(id, query);
result==> {
_id: 'ihJqoP3n4mwSDwGxw',
name: 'Zhang San',
created: 2021-04-23T08:48:06.513Z,
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39'


Finds multiple records. Does not trigger related trigger functions.

  • Usage: directFind(query, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].
      • fields: Array of field names, optional. For example: ['field1', 'field2']
      • filters: SteedosQueryFilters array of query conditions, optional
      • sort: string sorting rule, optional
      • top: number of records to return, optional
      • skip: number of records to skip, often used for pagination, optional.
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Array of records. Returns an empty array [] if no records are found.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const query = {
fields: ['name', 'created_by','created'],
filters: [['name','contains','Leader']],
sort: 'name desc',
top: 1
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directFind(query);
result==> [
_id: '2iS93Hv8QNcxfMief',
name: 'Leader Li',
created: 2021-08-25T06:25:37.183Z,
created_by: '606d7baa3393516019dbfb39'


Finds aggregate records. This function triggers the configured trigger functions: beforeAggregate, afterAggregate.

Aggregation: Aggregation operations process data records and return computed results. Aggregation combines values from multiple documents and can perform various operations on grouped data to return a single result.

  • Usage: aggregate(query, externalPipeline, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].
      • filters: SteedosQueryFilters array of query conditions, optional
    • externalPipeline: Array of MongoDB aggregation pipeline
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Array of aggregate records.
// Example 1:
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contacts";
const query = {filters: [["name","contains",'Leader']]};
const externalPipeline = [{ $count: 'leaders_count'}];
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).aggregate(query, externalPipeline);
// leaders_count: Number of contacts whose names contain "Leader".
// result==> [ { leaders_count: 7 } ]

// Example 2:
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "accounts";
const query = {filters: [["is_customer","=",true]]};
const externalPipeline = [{ $group: {_id:'total', total: { '$sum': '$number_of_employees'}}}];
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).aggregate(query, externalPipeline);
// total: Total number of employees in business partners that are customers.
//result==> [ { _id: 'total', total: 450 } ]


Finds aggregate records. Does not trigger related trigger functions.

Aggregation: Aggregation operations process data records and return computed results. Aggregation combines values from multiple documents and can perform various operations on grouped data to return a single result.

  • Usage: directAggregate(query, externalPipeline, userSession?)
  • Parameters:
    • query: SteedosQueryOptions Query data related parameters [json].
      • filters: SteedosQueryFilters array of query conditions, optional
    • externalPipeline: Array of MongoDB aggregation pipeline
    • userSession: SteedosUserSession Current user's login information, optional; if userSession is not provided, no permission check is performed.
  • Return Value: Array of aggregate records.

// Example 1:
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
// contacts: Contact object
const objectApiName = "contacts";
// filters: Names containing "Leader" in contacts
const query = {filters: [["name","contains",'Leader']]};
const externalPipeline = [{ $count: 'leaders_count'}];
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directAggregate(query, externalPipeline);
// leaders_count: Number of contacts whose names contain "Leader".
// result==> [ { leaders_count: 7 } ]

// Example 2:
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
// accounts: Business partner object
const objectApiName = "accounts";
// is_customer: Field name, whether the business partner is a customer
const query = {filters: [["is_customer","=",true]]};
// number_of_employees: Field name, number of employees
const externalPipeline = [{ $group: {_id:'total', total: { '$sum': '$number_of_employees'}}}];
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).directAggregate(query, externalPipeline);
// total: Total number of employees in business partners that are customers.
//result==> [ { _id: 'total', total: 450 } ]


  • Usage: toConfig()
  • Return Value: Details of the object configuration.
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');
const objectApiName = "contracts";
const result = await objectql.getObject(objectApiName).toConfig();
/* result:
name: 'contracts',
fields: {
name: 'name',
label: 'Title',
type: 'text',
required: true,
version: 2,
list_views: {
all: {
name: 'all',
actions: xxx,
triggers: xxx,
permission_set: xxx,

About the userSession Parameter

All the above functions can accept an optional userSession parameter, representing the current user's login information. If this parameter is provided, the related operation functions will only perform data operations for which the current logged-in user has permission.

For example, the insert(doc, userSession?) function will directly execute data insertion operations without performing permission checks if userSession is not provided. Conversely, if userSession is provided, it will perform related permission checks, and the data insertion operation will only be executed if the current user has creation permissions for the current object.

The update(id, doc, userSession?) function is similar; if userSession is not provided, it will directly execute data update operations without performing permission checks. Conversely, if userSession is provided, it will perform related permission checks, and the data update operation will only be executed if the current user has edit permissions for the current object and the record to be edited.

Similarly, the find(query, userSession?) function will return all data satisfying the filter criteria without performing permission checks if userSession is not provided. Conversely, if userSession is provided, it will perform related permission checks and only return the data that the current logged-in user is authorized to view.

About Functions with the direct Prefix

The above functions can be divided into two types: those named with the direct prefix and those without the direct prefix.

Functions named with the direct prefix: Executing a direct function means directly operating on database records, and it will not trigger related trigger functions, nor will it trigger any workflow rules, formula fields, or recalculations of roll-up summary fields.

Functions not named with the direct prefix: After the completion of related operations like insert/update/find, etc., these will further trigger the execution of related trigger functions configured on that object, such as beforeUpdate, afterUpdate, etc.; then, they will trigger the execution of workflow rules that meet the conditions; subsequently, they will also trigger the recalculation of associated formula fields and roll-up summary fields.


Below are some examples of using ObjectQL functions in practical programming scenarios.

Example of Using ObjectQL in Triggers

const auth = require("@steedos/auth");
const generatHtml = (doc)=>{
module.exports = {
listenTo: 'web_forms',
afterInsert: async function () {
let doc = this.doc;
let generatedHtml = generatHtml(doc);
const object = this.getObject("web_forms");
const userSession = await auth.getSessionByUserId(this.userId);
await object.directUpdate(doc._id, {generated_html: generatedHtml}, userSession);
afterUpdate: async function () {
// Since there's no this.doc._id in afterUpdate, integrate previousDoc, and when editing a single field, also integrate other fields from previousDoc
let doc = Object.assign({}, this.previousDoc, this.doc);
let generatedHtml = generatHtml(doc);
const object = this.getObject("web_forms");
const userSession = await auth.getSessionByUserId(this.userId);
await object.directUpdate(doc._id, {generated_html: generatedHtml}, userSession);

Example of Using ObjectQL in a Router

const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
const core = require('@steedos/core');
const objectql = require('@steedos/objectql');'/api/contracts/locked/:id', core.requireAuthentication, async function (req, res) {
const userSession = req.user;
const isSpaceAdmin = userSession.is_space_admin;
const { id } = req.params;
await objectql.getObject("contracts").update(id, {
locked: true
res.status(200).send({ message: 'Contract successfully archived', success: true });
exports.default = router;